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Showing posts with the label happiness

Why Are You So Depressed?

beard man Our little life is filled with so much uncertainty. Anything can happen anytime for any of us. So what is the point in anxiety? If we're going to be a self-oriented person, our anxiety can make us blind, mad.  Learning to trust others will make us happy, relieved from so much stress. That's how a believer in Jehovah, the god almighty find happiness by trusting him, relying upon his mighty arms. So what we should be doing instead of getting anxious about things beyond our control? Spread our wings. You can find enjoyment in doing small deeds for other's well-being. As Jesus said, there is so much happiness in giving to others than receiving. Find enjoyment in little things. Look at children, the way they see things. It's very fun to watch them playing with their imagination. They find enjoyment in every small thing they do. As they focus on little things, they are happy. There are lots of learning from children. That's why Jesus once asked his disc