Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Monday, June 27, 2016

Elephant and Mahout

During my one of recent tours, I saw an elephant. A big one that stood elegantly =. The animal was very big but the tool used to make the elephants obey commands is simply a wooden rod with a metal hook. The mahout, the person who take care of the animal always carry this tool to give instructions. Actually, the Mahout and the elephant enjoys a close relationship. There will be one assistant to Mahout to help him in taking care of the animal.

Expectations Survival

expectations girl
We are living on expectations, our dreams, something that makes us move forward. When life seems to be an endless road our dreams make us happy, gives us a reason to drag on.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

It's a Skyscraper World

skyscrapers and the aeroplane

Every city has its own landmark skyscrapers. They define the new landscapes for cities. These huge tall buildings make its own identity by letting you the glimpse of the city when you look from an aeroplane. Every skyscraper has its own story related to design and construction.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Anything You Do, Do It With Passion

Doing something halfheartedly will not make you successful and not at all productive in the long run. From a career perspective too it will be disastrous. If there is a serious gap between what a person want to do and what he or she is taught to do then that person should make some adjustments to bring down this gap to deliver the passion in the right direction.

Do It With Passion

People are born with a passion, a passion is always within us to do things that interests us. The challenge is to identify our passion and ignite it to become successful. Working towards a passion is the most rewarding experience one can ever have. A person who likes his job is the the happiest one on the earth and is likely to finish the work quick and perfect. It is a mindset to do more and a positive outlook towards life. What would you do if you are not happy with your job, but still forced to continue your job?  It's a hard question for many people. It's not wise changing job every time just because you didn't like the job. Instead try to love your job or change the outlook and you will definitely find a difference.

Start Your Day with a Smile: Introducing the Adorable Dog Lover's Coffee Mug

  Do you find yourself reaching for that perfect coffee mug every morning, the one that makes your heart skip a beat and adds a bit of joy t...