Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Parenting Story

Parenting is a great gift kids get from their parents. Even the animals and birds offer good parenting to their children. Train their kids for the future. Here is a new story about a mother and father bird who were looking after their kids with great care and affection. Read the story here.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Hear The Beat, Our Heart!

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A new poster on heart. Click it for customization
Our heart is everything, so we need to give it extra care to it. It is the origin of life, keeps life ticking.

Give Heart, The Attention It Deserves!

Eat the right food, exercise regularly, and hear what the doctor has to say about it to make it ticking for a long time. Throw your anxieties out into the darkness, and always be happy, don't be anxious anymore, believe in GOD!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Give him a clap

Sometimes it is surprises around us. The elephant is enjoying his first ever ski board experience. Give him a clap and take him home.

Friendship Is Great!