Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Some road blocks are larger than you can Imagine!

That's right. We don't know what lies ahead in our life. Being an optimistic person doesn't guarantee everything will be in the right place in its own due course. All of us are going to hit a road block one time or another that can hamper our growth both professionally and personally. 

So the question is how prepared are we to face these road blocks?

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

On Being Workholic

I'll be late if there is no work at office

Workaholic person is the one who spend most of his or her time in office because that person finds it's addictive. But, the more addictive, the less productive is the reality. Of course a workaholic person is void of Monday blues and other ill-feelings related to going back to work. But the addictive element can ruin the professional life in the long term. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Learning is Fun and Creative

image credit gijogeorge/shutterstock.com

Learning when fun oriented can create wonders. Looking at the real life applications is one of the key ingredient for successful learning. A positive vibe by the teacher can make the whole process interactive and less effort. A boring subject can be turned into very interesting by adding stories or anecdote to the content. That way students will find it interesting about what he or she is doing. It brings another point, learn it by doing. Yes, the principle remains the same, you are prototyping a real life problem and arrive at a solution.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

You're A Cute Little Dog

You're a cute little dog.
Waving your tail every time you see me.
You appear from nowhere and you disappear somewhere.

You're a free dog
Go anywhere you like

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Kids Story Mission Bingo

Visiting the park, Andrea never thought it would be an exciting turn of events. Read the story of Bingo and Andrea. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ338.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Infinite Loop Of Learning and Unlearning

To learn something, unlearn something!

On Learning

Let me begin with a common scenario. An inquisitive young boy grabs a toy. What do you expect? Play? Yes, he will start playing. But you just can't expect he will go on playing with that toy. Because sooner or later he will make that into pieces. What's the psychology behind that? Yes the curiosity prompted him to do such action. He wants to know how the toy is made up of or what makes the toy moving or making sound.

All of us have an urge to learn new things. When we see something new, we ask many questions to get satisfying answers. Yes, that's learning. In that perspective, learning is a life long process. Age doesn't matter. Keep on learning and we discover new things and a reason to go ahead.

Knowledge as we have it today has been subjected to constant interaction of culture, religion and science. It is from Generation after Generation.  As humans, we have amazed lot of knowledge on different subjects and the hunting it is still continuing.

On Unlearning

To complete the learning process, there is lot of unlearning is sometimes involved. That's how the science has been progressing all the way to our times. Old theories made way to new theories and still it may change. This is how we should see it. To learn new things, we have to unlearn old things with an open mind. This is the most difficult part for many people as they tend to become adamant as they they get older. As many think they are themselves masters about the subject, it's a false positive. Never get into that attitude as it will ruin your career and will have a very bad effect on your personal life. People will see you as arrogant and they will get distanced from you.

Life is a great teacher and during the journey of life many of our assumptions may found to be wrong and we are required change our assumptions and even attitudes. People who are open to such unlearning will emerge as ultimate winners.

Friendship Is Great!