Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Life Simple

Life is to enjoy our surroundings. Look around you, there are many things we can derive happiness from. Everything God has created for us is to feel us happy and nourished. The birds, flowers, trees all do their duty without a mistake.

The variety of food we eat, drink proves that God created us with a purpose, that is enjoy life. Isn't it?

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Life Is A Balancing Act

Balancing Walk
Let me begin this with a positive note. We all want happiness in our life. To that end, we do many things, decisions are part of our life. Some of our decisions are good while others may prove wrong in the years to come.

The more we view our life, it is a balancing act. There are many decisions to be made in our short life span. Knowing how why we take these decisions are important. Before we take every step, we think twice, because we assume the responsibility and aware about the fact that we have to bear the consequences. Taking each and every step seriously considering what lies ahead means doing a job perfectly. Just avoid multi-tasking. That's not something for common people. Do one thing at a time. Move with consistency and preparedness. That's something professionalism demands. People with such attitudes can climb ladder of success effortlessly.

Our decisions, big or small means a big difference in our life's quality. Our decisions can bring success to our business or job.  Rather than just being optimistic, why not work towards a definite goal set for ourselves. That way, we are gaining ourselves a sense of pride and trust-worthiness from our colleagues.  Be honest and responsible and make your life and others happy.

All the best to my readers and wish you a successful career ahead. Keep the good work!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Choosing The Right Time To Talk

If you want to be heard, wait for the right time. As Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 puts it
"A right time to shut up and another to speak up"

It requires patience and observation skills to wait for the right time to start speaking. Sometimes it could be an answer to a question or a reply to a letter, but serving it at a wrong time will be disastrous. Yes, I used that word "disastrous" because ignoring the circumstances will have bitter consequence. Sometimes we feel sorry about what we spoke or wrote under a tiring circumstance. "Oh, I shouldn't have talked like that", then we apologize. Although an apology can turn the situation lighter, the damage is sometimes irrevocable and permanent. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Don't Complicate

Human mind lies in two ranges, simple and complicated. A person with complicated mindset will have a difficult time ahead. They review everything with a negative note. On the contrary, a person with a simple mind will have a positive outlook and get things done quickly.

Our whole life (work,life,business and everything else) depends upon the outlook we have towards things around us. A simple person can make complicated things simple, while a  complicated person can't make complicated things simple. A simple mind can accept things as it is and a complicated mind complains about everything that's happening around. Simply put, a balanced view is what is required.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Global Warming, The Worry Of Our Future Generation

Everybody is worried about this. This is going to be a hot debate over the years to come and can change our lifestyle and the way we depend our environment. Yes, we are talking about the Global warming, that is not any more a new terminology for many of us.

Most of us are directly or indirectly affected by it that silently taking its toll around the world in the form of flash floods, Earth Quakes, Tsunami and rising sea levels. The after effects are making life miserable for many people. At the first place, the question that arise is why is happening what is the cause? The one line answer is this.
It is the outcome of unending exploitation of natural resources in a way to quench the greediness of humans.
The relevant question to ponder over is this? Are we loosing control over our environment? It seems the answer is "Yes". Global warming is showing a disturbing trend in our recent times with the sudden outburst of natural disasters around the world. Please share your take on Global warming?

Friday, December 4, 2015

Best Things in Life

best things in lifeHow do you define Quality of life? You can classify people into two broad categories based on their reactions to things that are happening around them. Broad and narrow Mindedness. People with a broad mindset are often easy to accommodate and show a clear proof of leadership skills while narrow minded people are hard to adjust and succumbs to sudden outburst of their feelings.Narrow minded people think only of themselves, they don't take any advice or suggestions but are forceful in giving advice and suggestions. When their ego hurts, they turn violent.

 Patience is a great virtue everyone should try to cultivate. In this busy and chaotic world, it is rare to spot people with patience. Modern society lacks this virtue and we see many people often get upset every now and then for very silly matters. Why not set a good example for others to follow by adopting to a new lifestyle that demonstrates patience?

Sometimes, it is hard to cope up with certain situations in life, but having a realistic approach one should be able to adjust with that.

Friendship Is Great!